If you dont want to be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write something worth reading or do things worth the writing. Benjamin Franklin

sobota 23. októbra 2010

A new start to everything (prologue to Destined For Hell, Living For Heaven)

The Moon was full and shined so brightly, it was hard to fall asleep when the rays flashed to the room. Outside, it was freezing. It had been snowing all day but then everything has frozen. You could say by the look from the window there is going to be another day filled with car accidents and injured people, mostly broken limbs, some homeless people frozen to death and lot of damage to electricity.
But inside, it was warm. Well, warm enough to survive. But sitting next to the fire place, he couldn´t complain about coldness. Hot as it was, it seemed to be a pefect place to sleep, but his thoughts kept him awake. He again had that nightmare the previous night and was now fully aware of what it meant.
He held a cup of tea in his right hand, and an old and heavy book in the left. There were lots of crumpled papers all over the floor. He has been staring into the fire since he realized the truth.
Above the fireplace hung a portet of his death mother. She was really beautiful, and he inherited her looks. With his black, curly and heavy hair, very similar to his mother´s, and his athletic, tall figure he was a handsome boy. But with a closer look into his eyes one could say he was a really complicated and thoughtful young man. He has never admired what his peers have. Since childhood, he was not interested  in materialistic, but both artistic and spiritual hobbies.
Logan was his name. He was the son of a rich businessman, but his job was a part of his hidden identity. His mother died when he was just a baby, and his father soon remarried. Now he had three stepsisters. Apart from their mother, all three of them were nice and friendly.
About five o´clock in the morning he rosed from the floor and threw all those papers into the fire and went up the stairs to catch up with at least those five hours of sleep.

When he woke up, it seemed like the end of the world has come. He knew there is no way how he could avoid his stepmother so he had given up trying a long time ago. He simply ignored her.
"I wish you cleaned up every time you use the fireplace," she started her complains. "What do you think, that I will do so? I am not your cleaner as you might have noticed."
He stared right past her through the opened window. What doesn´t kill me makes me stronger was his opinion. Maybe if he won´t look interested, she stops. But that was a big mistake; she got even more angry. She looked like a harpy from the greek mythology. Maybe she should stop getting all those plastic surgeries, he thought. She will soon look like a pitbull which has run into a wall. But maybe that is a offence, pitbulls are nice and she wasn´t.
He took his bag and walked out the front door without even a word to his family. He had no mood for that. There was a lot to do, a big research to do and he wasn´t about to go to school.
Once in a car, he looked in the back mirror. He could see their huge residence, which was built up on the hill, with a great view of the whole city in the valley. When a child he used to think how lucky he is to live in such a big and rich house. Now Logan didn´t feel any of that. But soon, too soon he and his sisters will be living there alone. His father and stepmother are moving away. Logan wondered whether his father wanted to get rid of the whole past and start a new life somewhere else.
In the town´s library they had loads of books of the town´s history, so he took out the ones that seemed suitable and was carrying them to a vacant table, when suddenly he stumbled on a someone´s leg and he fell down with all the books. Madness run up his spine;and he wanted to swear, but kept his mouth shut. He looked up to the person who made him fall and he was surprised to see a face of his father´s friend. He remembered the times when they used to be very close, but that was now just a history. It seemed to Logan that this friend of father´s hated father´s new wife as much as he had.
"Logan! What a surprise," echoed that man, whose name was Black.
"Mr. Black," he slowly replied, "it is a pleasure to see you again."
"My boy, how are you doing? You seem really good. I swear you look like your mother."
"Fine, thank you," smiled Logan and wanted to leave in peace, but mr. Black wanted something more and he could see it.
"You know, Logan, me and my wife and our daughter have moved here few years ago. But recent events are starting to worry me and I plead your very own father for help. He told me not to worry but he can´t help me. And as much as I hate that, I want to plead for your help."
Logan looked surprised. He could not answer, even when he knew what was about to be told. The darkness, again, grew much bigger. The past got him again.
"Yes, sir, I will help you," he promised.

piatok 15. októbra 2010

Whaddaya think?

If it ain´t true what it is?
If it ain´t right what it is?
How can you say what it feels
If you´ve never been where I´ve been
How can I trust
If trust ain´t what you know
How can you say you know me
If you´ve never asked
How can I ever know what is wrong and what is right?
And yet, this is just another fight
Though I can´t understand myself fine
At least I try and don´t lie!

štvrtok 14. októbra 2010

Gone for never

You´ve gone . . .
You´ve gone to world of dreams
And while you were asleep
I made my own world
A world built by love
So while you were sleeping
I kept walking
Walking the meadows
Meadows of peace
Smile could not leave my face
A sweet bitterness of an neverending lullaby
Sharp shine of cooling sun
Warmed by symphony of summer breeze
And while you were asleep
I´ve fallen asleep, too
I overdosed myself by this peaceful hapiness
But sudden rush of emptiness
Woke me up, just to know
You´ve gone . . .
I made my own world around

utorok 12. októbra 2010

Ona III.

Ležala na posteli v izbe a snívala. Áno, síce nechcela, aby sa tie sny znova vrátili, ale predsa tu je a znova ich prežíva.
Lenže v jej sne nad ňou nebola žiadna strecha, žiadne obmedzenia. Bol tam iba obrovský priestor, videla všetko a všetkých, ktorých chcela. O čo nestála, jednoducho zmazala. Najskôr smútok, potom vojny, a možno aj...
„Obed je hotový!“
Sen vyletel oknom ako splašený motýľ.
Keď zišla do kuchyne, zistila, že aj tak nie je hladná. Radšej si obula tenisky a zavrela za sebou vchodové dvere. Počula síce volanie jej mamy, aby sa vrátila, lebo majú návštevu a nech sa chová slušne, ale ona pokračovala v kráčaní ku bránke a ďalej za ňou. Je to jej nedeľa, tak ju bude tráviť ako ona chce. Okrem toho, tá ich návšteva boli iba ďalší priatelia jej nevlastného otca, ktorých mená si tak či tak nezapamätá, a oni to jej tiež nie. Mená sú pre ňu prekliatie, už po pár minútach ich zabúda. Ale tváre nie. A ona vedela, že tu tvár, ktorá teraz sedí v ich obývačke už niekde videla. Striaslo ju.
Došla až k svojmu obľúbenému kúsku pokoja, jej už nie až tak tajnej skrýši, tesne pred východom z lesa na rozľahlú, no nie opustenú lúku. Tam si sadla na kus dreva, ktorý tam ležal odkedy si spomína. Pamätala si, ako tu mávali každoročné opekačky s priateľmi, to ešte predtým. Potom sem chodila už len sama.
Niekde v diaľke zašvitorili vtáky. Po skale prebehla jašterica. A jej v ušiach hrala hudba. Čarovná, záhadná, tak ako ju má rada. V hlave jej zneli všetky tie texty, slová, tie životné pravdy schované v rýmoch, skryté za zvukmi nástrojov. No nič, povedala si. Je čas ísť. Domov nie, dosť s tým pírsingom šušle a nechce sa ukazovať pred mamou. Keď vtedy došla domov a prosila mamu, aby sa nehnevala a ukázala jej svoj jazyk, mamina reakcia bola jednoduchá. „Ty si úplne jebnutá?“
A nech je.