If you dont want to be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write something worth reading or do things worth the writing. Benjamin Franklin

štvrtok 4. augusta 2011

Bye, city...

Now or never

Last glimpse of the city she was leaving. Last tear cried for all those who didn't deserve it. Last look filled with love and hatred, so hard and so deep, that it'd burnt an image into her memory forever.
One day. Maybe one day. Surely not now. It's the time...

Hurriedly passing all those people who didn't really know where they were about to go, she knew her directions pretty darn well. She memorized them like words of a poem.
The platform was crowded by those who traveled and those others who came to see the off. Fortunately- or unfortunately?- there wasn't anyone to see her off, so she just climbed those two steps to the train, carrying her heavy bag and looking for some place to sit down. She got lot of stares, but that was okay, she was used to it. Not that she was different, it was just a custom in that country... To stare at the others.
Eventually, she found a place in a vacant compartment, where she took a seat right next to the window. She closed her eyes and listened to her accelerated heartbeat, but after a while it slowed down and so did her breathing. Without opening her eyes, she sensed there was somebody else who decided to share a compartment with her. As long as the person didn't bother her, she felt fine with it.
About five minutes or so she felt the train getting into motion and it startled her just as much as it did frighten her.
No. No, I always wanted this. I never really wanted to stay, she thought.
She opened her eyes just in time to see all the so well known buildings and parks and places she would visit like a child or a teenager. There, somewhere there, a first cigarette. And somewhere in that direction first sip of vodka. Her first kiss, place where she used to go for a coffee, places where she used to hang out with friends. Her city was welcoming her as well as it was saying goodbye.
Unwillingly, she raised her right arm and waved. To nobody and everybody in particular. To all that places she hadn't visited, to all the places she used to love, hate, live, dream, die.
With every passing meter she was more and more sure she was doing the right thing. Maybe it wouldn't feel right for some time, but it sure as hell did at that time. Nothing kept her there anymore. Nobody, nothing, nowhere...
She hated farewells, those lies people would tell others. She craved them, all of them, and loved them at the same time.
Last buildings, last gardens, last people, and the train speeded into distance, just as she wanted it to.
''Are you all right?'' somebody asked her and she turned to a nice-looking old lady who seemed to be concerned about her feelings.
''I'm perfectly fine,'' she answered and smiled, turning her stare back to the window where everything seemed so green, so nice, so new.
''Where are you going?''
''Me? Somewhere. Anywhere,'' she replied and the lady didn't bother her anymore.
She was free. Free to start again- to try again. She knew it wasn't about to be easy, but she was prepared. Nothing could keep her from reaching her dream.
She was free. She left and was free. The joy was unthinkable, overwhelming.
She waved last goodbye to her home city and welcomed her future.

Just A Talk... lol

Grey clouds clouded sun, preventing it from shining. It was about to start, again, just as it did almost all day.
Some call it summer, some prefer the name ruined summer weather.
Four people were seated in quite comfortable sofas, peering at the skies as in expecting it to go off right there and right at the time. Few droplets traveled down, but they did not bother them. The weather itself was boring, depressing, and totally unwanted.
Many other people rushed by, either eager to buy something in rather expensive shops, or just kill the time. It seemed like nobody was in the mood to spend some time out, in that repulsive weather.
''I feel like dying,'' moaned one of the four people that decided to sit down in the cafeteria.
''I don't feel like doing anything,'' moaned the other one and closed her eyes.
''This is the most boring, horrible weather I've ever seen,'' groaned the third one and caught some of the droplets running down her arm. ''I hate this climate. I wanna go back and never come back.''
''I totally agree. When I came back, I was depressed for about a month or so.''
''Yeah, me too. When I came back from Spain I was depressed, and then again when I came back from Florida. I don't know, it was like... Like I wanted to scream and run away and hitchhike somewhere far away.''
''Yes, exactly. I was always like, what the hell, where am I? One expects that when on holiday, things at home get solved. But then one comes and nothing is changed.''
''I wouldn't say changed exactly, but at least moved in some direction. But no. All is just like you left it. When on holiday, friends write you things like 'I miss you, we should hang out when you come back' or 'oooh, just come back home, we'll throw a party'. But what happens when you come back home? Nothing. And suddenly, nobody really cares about you.''
''Yep. And they're just as screwed up as when you left.''
Silence carried on for a few seconds.
''People are weird. Weird and screwed up.''
''I can't wait to go away from this place, to get some rest.''
''Just for a while? I wish I could leave. Far, far away. I don't feel like coming back.''
''I don't exactly hate this place, it's just...''
''It sucks.''
''I dunno. It gets on my nerves that everybody goes on how boring and terrific it is, but nobody does anything to change it. What about some cultural actions? It's not like we don't have place for them. There only aren't people who'd care about it. Take care of it.''
''Well, when they do, they don't really try to contact less popular and known bands. All they want is mainstream.''
''Nobody cares...''